Irna Gayatri D. Ardiansyah


The writing of knowledge was occur since previous period and it has become the tradition that given to the next
generation. In Java, this tradition could be found in primbon form. The notes containt information, so it is
important to comprehend primbon manuscript text. In Ambon, this tradition can be seen in Cerita Gempa
manuscript that containt notes as in primbon. This paper is an attempt to explain primbon and primbon
manuscript in a general manner. Primbon manuscript which used in thi paper is Cerita Gempa. Then, this paper
will discussed analysis of structure and theme in Cerita Gempa manuscript. This paper give description about
the content of Cerita Gempa manuscript by explain text’ structure and theme of this manuscript. The structure
and theme are analyzed using theory of structural analysis that discussed structure and text theme. This
qualitative research used descriptive analytic method. The aims of this research is to describe and explain
structure and text theme in Cerita Gempa manuscript. Through the analysis, known that CG manuscript text has
two texts and three principal ideas with one theme, that is primbon.


manuscript, Cerita Gempa, primbon, Malayu Ambong language, structure, theme

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37671/sb.v1i1.8


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