NILAI PROFETIK DALAM NOVEL MUHAMMAD: LELAKI PENGGENGGAM HUJAN KARYA TASARO GK (STRUKTURAL SEMIOTIK) (The Prophetic Value in the Novel Muhammad: Lelaki Penggenggam Hujan by Tasaro G.K. [Structural Semiotic])

Muhammad Jalalludin, Zuriyati Zuriyati, Ninuk Lustyantie


Novel Muhammad: Lelaki Penggenggam Hujan karya Tasaro G.K. menceritakan dua kisah, yakni kisah Nabi Muhammad saw. dan kisah seorang lelaki Persia bernama Kashva. Dikisahkah bahwa Kashva pergi mencari lelaki yang kelahirannya telah dijanjikan oleh banyak kitab suci sebagai nabi baru yang akan membawa rahmat manusia dan semesta alam. Di tengah-tengah kisah pencarian itulah terselip kisah Nabi Muhammad Saw. Dari kisah-kisah tersebutlah tersimpan pesan profetik berupa nilai humanisasi (amar ma’ruf), nilai liberasi (nahi munkar), dan transendensi (tu’minu billah). Penelitian ini membahas ketiga nilai profetik tersebut dengan tinjauan struktural semiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai profetik dalam novel Muhammad: Lelaki Penggenggam Hujan karya Tasaro G.K. ditinjau dari struktur novel dan semiotik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi model Philipp Mayring kategori deduktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya nilai profetik yakni nilai humanisasi, nilai liberasi, dan nilai transendensi yang begitu melekat sesuai dengan realitas Al Quran sebagai sumber utama ilmu pengetahuan. Selain itu, banyak sekali pengetahuan adab dan karakter yang tercermin dari ketiga nilai profetik yang baik diterapkan di sekolah sebagai suatu bentuk ekspresi dari upaya penanaman karakter pada siswa.


The novel of Muhammad: Lelaki Penggenggam Hujan by Tasaro G.K. tells two stories, the story of the Prophet Muhammad and the story of a Persian man named Kashva. It is said that Kashva went to find a man whose birth was promised by many scriptures as a new prophet who would bring grace to mankind and all the universe. In the middle of the search story, the story of the Prophet Muhammad was tucked. From these stories, prophetic messages are stored in the form of the value of humanization (amar ma'ruf), the value of liberation (nahi munkar), and transcendence (tu'minu billah). This study discusses the three prophetic values with a semiotic structural review. This study aims to determine the prophetic value in the novel Muhammad: Lelaki Penggenggam Hujan by Tasaro G.K. in terms of the novel and semiotic structure. This study used a qualitative approach with the content analysis method of the deductive Philipp Mayring model. The results of this study indicate that there are three prophetic values namely, the value of humanization, the value of liberation, and the value of transcendence which is so inherent in accordance with the reality of the Al-Quran as the main source of knowledge. In addition, there is a lot of knowledge of manners and character which is reflected in the three good prophetic values applied in schools as a form of expression of efforts to cultivate character in students.


novel of Muhammad; prophetic value; structural; semiotic; character

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